Butterfly Bush Care: When Do Butterfly Bushes Bloom?

Butterfly Bush Care: When Do Butterfly Bushes Bloom? : Find out when the butterfly bush flowers and how to take care of the shrubs that bloom. Find out whether butterfly bushes can be grown in pots as well.


Butterfly Bush Care: When Do Butterfly Bushes Bloom?



Butterfly Bush Care: Protection in Winter

“I have trouble overwintering butterfly bush (Buddleia) and end up replanting most of them each year,” says Bloomington, Illinois resident Deanna Frautschi. “Any success tips?”


Butterfly bush care requires patience, explains Melinda Myers. Allow your plants to survive winter to boost their hardiness and winter interest. Wait until the earth freezes before covering the plant base with evergreen boughs or straw for winter mulch. Enclose the mulched plant with a hardware cloth cylinder to deter rabbits and voles. Cut plants to 4–6 inches above ground in late winter or early spring. Then wait.”



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Butterfly Bush Growing Zones

How can Zone 6a butterfly bushes survive winter? Connie Mason Etter of Martinsville, Indiana, asks, “I’ve lost one per year for four years.”


“Keep trying,” urges Melinda. Butterfly bushes have thrived in my Zone 5a garden, both in a small city lot and now in a harsh rural area. Grow these plants in a sunny, well-draining area. Late-season fertilizer enhances winter-killed growth. Leave plants standing for winter interest and hardiness.


Before growth begins, cut them to 4–6 inches above the ground in late winter or early spring. Then wait. After a hard winter and spring, mine emerged in mid-July. The bushes grew swiftly and had butterflies and blossoms by early August. Worth the wait!”



When Do Butterfly Bushes Bloom?

After a severe winter or cool spring, interest may not appear until June or July. If the roots survive, they will quickly expand and flower for butterflies from August to frost.


Is Butterfly Bush Invasive?

Butterfly bush is invasive in the Pacific Northwest. Avoid it or plant seedless Lo and Behold Lilac Chip.



How to Grow Butterfly Bush in Containers

“I seem to be having trouble finding information regarding container gardening with butterfly bushes. Is it worthwhile to attempt, and how do they fare? Emily Rumpf from Cato, New York asks.

Melinda states that containers can be used to grow butterfly bushes as well as other trees, shrubs, and perennials. Plants that are at least one zone hardier than your area will give you the best chance of surviving the winter. You will need to offer additional winter protection in colder climates.


After the soil has thawed and dried, move the plants inside an unheated garage and water them as needed. Alternatively, place wood chips over the roots and encircle them with soil bags or another kind of insulation. Another choice is to submerge the pot in a sheltered, unoccupied area of your garden.

Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds are drawn to this seedless, noninvasive Inspired Violet butterfly shrub.



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