10 Things Wrong With Suits We All Choose To Ignore


Harvey Specter and Mike Ross couldn't have represented most clients in Suits' first seven seasons. Actual lawyers who cover numerous disciplines of law work in modest, general practices. Successful attorneys like Harvey and Mike work for major firms and specialize in transactional or litigation law.

Harvey And Mike Know Every Law

The premise of Suits is that Mike Ross never qualified as a lawyer. Mike and Harvey, as well as anyone else who may know his secret, suffer. By Season 1, Mike should have been exposed as a fraud, therefore this shouldn't have been a long-running issue. 

How Does Mike Keep His Secret

Many legitimate law companies solely hire Ivy League graduates, whether they say it or not. Pearson Hardman's “Harvard only” associate recruitment policy isn't foolproof. It severely decreases the firm's candidate pool. 

Pearson Hardman, 'Harvard Only' Hiring

Every legal film and TV show feeds the illusion that lawyers live rock-star lives, but Suits takes it further. Healthy paychecks and dining out with customers at fancy restaurants are benefits of working for a major firm, but there are also cons. 

Being A Lawyer Is Not Glamorous 

Suits casts youthful actors as Mike, a new associate, and Rachel, a veteran paralegal. As newcomers to the profession, they naturally tilt toward TV shows' younger demographic. Their employers look older than usual. 

Everyone Is So Young 

Specter is a maverick with self-confidence that often borders on arrogance. He views himself above the Pearson Hardman bylaw requiring associates to be Harvard Law School graduates, which is typical. Harvey's hire of Mike Ross, who didn't attend law school or HSL, was risky. 

Why Does Harvey Bet Everything on Mike

One reason Suits was popular was that it showed the law moving quickly. Harvey and Mike tried to outwit their opponents, making for a thrilling show. The law doesn't work that way. Complex lawsuit moves much slower in real life.

All The Rapid-Fire Casework 

Mike Ross paid bills by taking the LSAT for others before joining Pearson Hardman. He only revealed the game in the premiere episode after a proctor identified him as an exam taker. Mike would have struggled to carry off this deception once; repeating it is impossible.

Mike's LSAT Scam Wouldn't Work

Suits season 5 ended with Mike being jailed for conspiracy to commit fraud, as expected of a longtime unlawful lawyer. Next season, he's imprisoned.

Mike Reveal Fallout Was Insufficient

Working at a top law firm involves open conflict, secret betrayals, and complex internal politics. Better yet, this professional environment creates interesting drama. It's no surprise that Suits emphasizes this. It's astonishing that Pearson Hardman (in all its incarnations) survived, let alone thrived.

Internal Conflict And Backstabbing

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