3 Lessons from Simone Biles on Overcoming Adversity

Lesson 1 

Many dancers compete alone while participating in teams, like gymnasts.  They and their squad's other soloists may be competing for the top rank, putting them at odds (see Friendly Fire).

But let's see what Simone Biles done for another gymnast:  Biles helped Chiles when she noticed her suffering and ready to quit her sport. 

Lesson 2

Has any famous athlete not overcome obstacles to become great?  Neither do I.  Many believe that overcoming challenges builds resilience.

Knowing she was behind due to her time away from the sport, she went full throttle when she returned.  Our youngsters may struggle to return to competitive levels if they take a hiatus from dance.

Lesson  3

Many of our greatest dancers live their lives in focus.  Dance is often their only extracurricular, affecting every aspect of their lives.  How many of us have declined social invitations due to dance commitments?  

Chiles was surprised by Biles' Texas training center, which was far less regulated. Jordan relaxed in her new house and enjoyed pleasant, playful moments. 

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