3 Top Anti-Inflammatory Mediterranean Diet Breakfast Smoothies for Busy Mornings!"

Peanut Butter Protein Overnight Oat

A useful pantry staple, powdered peanut butter is an excellent vegan protein supplement that can be used in a variety of foods, including smoothies and oatmeal

If you want to have breakfast ready for the entire family or to meal-prep meals for the week, you can double or even treble this recipe from the original.

Berry Chia Pudding

In addition to being a rich source of fiber, iron, and calcium, chia seeds are also an excellent source of the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.

During this process, they are combined with a fruity foundation and then chilled until the chia seeds expand to generate a thick and creamy texture that is comparable to that of tapioca. 

Fruit & Yogurt Smoothie

Simply yogurt, fruit juice, and any frozen fruit that you happen to have on hand are the three components that are required for this simple recipe for a fruit smoothie.

To ensure that you never become bored with a nutritious breakfast or snack, you should vary the combinations you use from day to day.

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