7 Easy Anti-Inflammatory Mediterranean Meals for a Heart-Healthy Diet

Eat more fruits and vegetables 

Aim for 2–3 fruit and 4+ veggie servings daily. One serving of fruit is a medium whole fruit or one cup chopped. One serving of vegetables is two cups of leafy greens, one cup of raw veggies, or half a cup of cooked veggies.

Choose whole grains

Replace bread, cereal, and pasta with whole grains. Other whole grains include bulgur, barley, and farro. If you eat 2,000 calories, aim for 3 ounces of whole grains.

Use unsaturated fats from plants 

Replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats to lessen heart disease risk. In cooking and eating, you might substitute olive, canola, safflower, or sunflower oil for butter. 

Eat more seafood 

Eat seafood 2–3 times a week. Mercury levels may limit fish for children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women. One dish of fish is 3–5 ounces for people. About the size of a deck. 

Get nuts 

At least four servings of raw, unsalted nuts should be consumed on a weekly basis. Just a quarter of a cup constitutes one serving.

Enjoy some dairy 

Skim or 1% milk, low-fat cottage cheese, and Greek or plain yogurt are fine. Cheese consumption should be limited. Serving size: four dice. Reduce high-fat dairy.

Reduce red and processed meat 

Instead, eat more veggies, fish, or chicken. Make sure the meat you eat is lean and don't eat too much of it. Also, try to get rid of any fat you can see before you cook it.

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