8 Revolutionary Coin Designs That Changed Numismatics Forever 


Révolutions have phases. They begin mildly, become extreme, and end abruptly when a powerful guy restores order. A government or social system is overturned by force to impose another[2].It strongly impacts design, ecology, lifestyle, economy, etc. One was French Revolution. French revolution destroyed the monarchy in 1789–1799, affecting Europe.

The monarchy ended in September 1792 after King Louis and Mary-Antoinette were imprisoned in August. Bonaparte's rule ended the revolt in November 1799. Land was emancipated and the old corporate society shattered in 1789-1791, the most tangible French revolution effects. The revolution was more crucial than successful politically.

Edward III seized King John after his troops lost near Poitiers on September 18, 1356. Edward III gave up the French throne and freed John in exchange for southwest France and three million gold euros in a peace deal. The king's release boosted confidence. This legislation is essential because it established the Franc d'or à cheval gold money. Franc first in money history

One fascinating detail is that when things heated up in France, Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, and the family tried to flee but were apprehended at the frontier. Working class folks had no photos or paintings of the royal family, thus they had no idea what they looked like.

The Louis d'or under Louis XVI was coined between 1785 and 1792 and had a 23-mm diameter, 7.6490 g weight, 0.917 purity, and 0.2255 troy oz gold content. A crown behind the king's picture indicated his status on the coins. Every royal change affected the coinage.

During the Republic, gold and silver coins were replaced with printed assignats, initially issued as bonds backed by church confiscated goods but eventually recognized legal tender currency. The withdrew gold and silver coins funded battles and imported scarce food. 

As in the 18th-century French "Mississippi Bubble," which caused a speculative frenzy and financial collapse. Too many assignats exceeded the value of the "national properties," and military requisitioning and hoarding made coins scarce enough to pay foreign suppliers.

Modern franc-denominated gold coins began here. Instead of the revolutionary emblems of the coinage 1795, it portrayed Napoleon as “Bonaparte Premier Consul” and France as “République Française”. Republican delusion faded rapidly. Napoleon Emperor, relinquishing his family name like kings, appeared on 1804 coins.

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