Alsatian VS German Shepherd Dogs Differences and Feature Comparison  

Yellow Wavy Line

Alsatians and German Shepherds are medium-to-large dogs. Alsatians are slightly taller than German Shepherds at the shoulders. 

Size And Weight

Yellow Wavy Line

The two breeds differ in coat type. Alsatians—the Long-Haired German Shepherd—have a longer, thicker double coat than shorter German Shepherds. 

Coat And Color

Yellow Wavy Line

Alsatians' wolf-like faces include a wider forehead and slanted eyes. German shepherds' faces are longer and more prominent.

Facial Feature

Yellow Wavy Line

Alsatians are known for their loyalty and protection. Being shy and wary around strangers makes them good guard dogs. 

Alsatian Temperament

Yellow Wavy Line

German Shepherds are smart, confident, and versatile. They are kind, brave, and ready to please with a balanced temperament.

German Shepherd Temperament

Yellow Wavy Line

Both breeds behave similarly but differently. Alsatians may be introverted and need interaction to avoid it.

Behavioural Difference

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