Dietitian Lists 6 Mediterranean Diet Mistakes to Avoid

Residents of the Mediterranean Sea may have an edge in following this diet, but it's not impossible to follow in the U.S. Just be aware of what meals and eating habits the Mediterranean diet recommends and which missteps can lead to failure. Mediterranean eating has various drawbacks that might ruin it.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are encouraged in the Mediterranean diet. This includes omega-3 fats from salmon, tuna, and sardines, as well as walnuts and canola oil.

Eating too much  saturated fat

The Mediterranean diet discourages additional sugar, even if the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans prescribe no more than 10% of total calories. However, like saturated fats, you don't need to eliminate added sugars—just choose where and how much you use.

Eating too much added sugar

Warm Mediterranean weather allows for lots of walking, riding, and other exercise. This strategy and the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans require exercise for a healthy lifestyle.

Being a couch potato

In the Mediterranean diet, herbs and spices replace salt (most of the time). If you need salt, add it after cooking and tasting your dish to regulate how much you add and how much you need!

Choosing foods high in sodium

Many people eat quickly in front of their laptops or electronics. Mediterranean diet stresses enjoyment of meals with friends and family. Even if you're busy, eat lunch on a bench or by the window if it's too cold. This diet encourages mindful eating and fun.

Eating at your computer

Large portions are the last thing that can ruin the Mediterranean diet or any weight loss regimen. A Mediterranean diet can include whole grain pasta, but three cups might include several hundred calories.

Large portion size

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