Genius IQ Test Find the weight of all the animals in 11 second

A puzzle shows three animal combinations and asks readers to find their individual and total weights.

Two children help their father arrange the balcony garden in the image above. 

Examine and comprehend the image thoroughly. In order to complete the puzzle quickly, you must have an awake mind.

Congratulations to the readers who were able to calculate each animal's weight and the final amount.

Dog + Mouse = 20 Kg Dog + Cat = 24 Kg Cat + Mouse = 10 Kg Now Adding the values we get Dog + Mouse + Dog + Cat = 20 +24 2 Dog + Mouse + Cat = 44 We have seen that Mouse + Cat = 10

So 2 Dog + 10 = 44 2 Dog = 34 Dog = 17 Putting this in the first equation we get Dog + Mouse = 20 17 + Mouse = 20 Mouse = 20-17 Mouse = 3 Therefore Cat = 10 - 3 Cat = 7

Total weight of all animals =  17 + 7 + 3 = 27 

You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the pencil in the balcony in 6 seconds 

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