Grow Colorful Viola Flowers as Cool-Season Annuals 

In Central Florida, it's the best time of year as northern garden season ends! Last week, I was excited to see the first violas and pansies at my local garden center.   

I eagerly loaded my basket and went home to plant these bright cool-season annuals in my flower yard. Learn why your garden needs viola flowers.

Johnny-Jump-Ups, or violas, are one of numerous violets in the big violet family. The little blooms sold as viola flower plants may be Viola tricolor, Viola cornuta, or a hybrid.  

They are grown in spring and early summer in northern climes and fall through spring in southern climates because they can't handle summer heat.  

Plant violas in half shade to extend their lifespan when temps rise. Water them regularly and deadhead to enhance flowering.  

They can become pests if they grow where you don't want them. If so, grow them in pots for additional control.

Violas are quite easy to grow from seed and are one of the first spring flowers in the north. New colors like Tiger Eye Violas are added to seed catalogs regularly.  

These colorful, easy-to-grow flowers are a must-have for most gardeners' cool-season flower gardens.

Edible blossoms, these add a beautiful garnish to baked foods or salads. Make sure the flowers haven't been exposed to any hazardous chemicals or pesticides, though.  

Grow Annual Gomphrena in Your Flower Garden 

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