Grow Joe Pye Weed for Butterflies and Bees 

Wet soil favors Joe Pye plant, which is good for rainy gardeners. In a rain garden or wet corner, it thrives in sun or part shade.  

Give the plant plenty of room. It grows to 7 feet tall. Smaller cultivars are offered for limited space.  

The best flowers for butterflies lists include this shrub for a reason. This tall native perennial attracts the last butterflies in September.   

The fuzzy blossoms attract moths and native bees. Tall blossoms allow you to picture butterflies and insects from a different angle.   

There's debate over whether “Joe Pye” was real. Botanists debated the name's origin for years.  

Recent research has identified Joseph Shauquethequeat, a Mohican tribal leader known as “Joe Pye” by surrounding colonists, as the plant's namesake.   

There is no direct link between Shauquethequeat and the plant that bears his name, although he knew tribal medicine.

Attract a Crowd of Hummingbirds to Playin’ the Blues Salvia 

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