Guide To Seeding Carrots: How To Give Carrots A Strong Start

Carrots are appreciated for their versatility. They may fill garden pots and spaces.

Carefully timed cool-season carrots can generate two crops. First crop goes into the garden 2-4 weeks before last spring frost.  

When to Plant Carrot Seed

Non-beautiful carrots have grown well for me. My vegetables are wonderful despite their deformities. Laziness explains it.  

Preparing Soil For Seeding Carrots

Like pencil leads, carrot seeds are small. Because spreading seeds properly or straight is difficult, I don't try.   

How to Plant Carrot Seed

If you're a perfectionist, dislike thinning, or can't handle tiny seeds, use carrot seed tape.   

How To Use Carrot Seed Tape

Seed tape can be made with toilet paper, water-and-flour paste, a tiny artist's brush, seeds, and a ruler. Row TP.  

How To Make Diy Carrot Seed Tape

I can't thin plants, but carrots should be 3-4 inches (7-10 cm) tall. Look for slim, small, or stacked.   

Thinning Carrot Sprouts

Foodscaping: The Most Beautiful Way To Grow Your Own Food 

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