How homeowners can help hummingbirds prepare for nesting time 

To supply sugary nectar for the new arrivals, many homeowners will fill their nectar feeders and clean their flower beds. The small birds require lots of the delicious liquid for energy to nest.  

Long bills and tongues show that hummingbirds evolved to eat nectar. Some experts believe 19 eastern US native plant species co-evolved with hummingbirds to exploit their feeding habits.   

The ubiquitous, reddish-orange trumpet creeper blooms in May. The bird dips its bill into a bloom to drink nectar and spread pollen to neighbouring blooms.  

They also need mites, mosquitoes, aphids, tiny bees, gnats, spiders, and other small insects. Some studies believe ruby-throats eat 50%-60% insects throughout nesting season.  

Hummingbird mothers feed their offspring nearly solely on small insects and spiders for protein. Insects give birds vitamins, minerals, oils, and lipids that nectar doesn't.  

To attract hummingbirds to your yard, grow native, nectar-producing flowers that attract little insects. Wild columbine, obedient plant, and NJ tea.  

How Do Hummingbirds Find Feeders? 

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