Hummingbird season is starting in Louisiana. Here’s how to attract the birds to your yard. 

With their tiny wings and long noses, they fly around the sky and sometimes stop for a nibble. Hummingbirds are popular garden visitors for birdwatchers and wildlife lovers.   

Hummingbirds migrate from Mexico in late winter and early spring, so Louisiana and the U.S. will soon see them.   

Hummingbirds are drawn to red, hence most feeders are red. The Baton Rouge Audubon Society advises against yellow feeders, which attract bees and wasps.   

In search of the greatest "nectar recipe" to attract hummingbirds, horticultural journalist Dan Gill suggests dissolving 1 part cane sugar in 4 parts hot water.  

Gil suggests putting flowers that attract birds in addition to the feeder as most birds are not used to feeding from them.   

Try salvia, wheat celosia, coral plant, cigar plant, hibiscus, impatiens, coral honeysuckle, Turk's hat, flowering maple, shrimp plant, bottlebrush bush, pentas, and cypress vine.  

How homeowners can help hummingbirds prepare for nesting time 

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