If you spot the cat hiding in the store in less than five seconds, you might have a high IQ 

If, within the allowed time, you find the cat lurking in the store, YOU actually are the whiskers. You are the best if you can complete the task in less than five seconds.

It suggests that you may be have a high IQ. However, as is often the case with these assignments, it may not be as simple as it seems.

This gentleman, like many cats, spends the most of the day snoozing, as any owner will attest.

This adorable cat thought that a grocery shop would be the perfect place to relax, so he curled up and fell asleep.

We have the solution below if you wish to raise your paws in defeat after outliving your nine life.

A sleeping cat has been encircled for your convenience.

You have a incredibly high driving IQ 

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