Plant Zinnia Flowers for a Rainbow of Color 

Zinnias range from 6 inches to 3 feet, making them suitable for all gardens. They brighten every backyard.  

Use smaller variety for edging and larger ones for bed backs. Zennia flowers can be privacy screens or barriers.

Zinnias grow easily and bloom in two to three months. Shortly after direct sowing and watering, little seedlings sprout, followed by long-lasting blossoms six weeks later.  

A few packets of zinnia seeds may generate a summertime color show. Just plant them in the sun. Also, zinnias thrive in containers.  

Zinnias must be the lowest-maintenance flowers. In the growing season, they need little care and can thrive near black walnut trees.  

For gardeners who have lost zinnias to powdery mildew in the past, newer varieties like the Profusion series are an excellent substitute.  

I bought zinnia seed mix to put on the ground and received hundreds of blossoms! Only a small portion of the blossoms are shown above.   

Zinnia blooms are beautiful and attract butterflies and hummingbirds, says Birds & Blooms reader Jamie Trouskie of Central Square, New York.  

The center florets feed hummingbirds. The seed heads of this multipurpose plant attract sparrows, finches, and juncos later in the season.  

This annual attracts honeybees, bumblebees, and solitary bees. The butterflies love these blooms. Plant zinnia drifts for amazing results.  

6 Deer-Resistant Bulbs for Spring Blooms 

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