See What a Sphinx Moth Caterpillar and Pupa Looks Like 

Despite their beauty, sphinx moth larvae make many people say "Yuck!" but birds love them. Smooth, pointy-horned sphinx moth caterpillars grow to the size of your little finger.  

Except for those who cross your way as they pupate in late summer or early fall, you usually ignore the unsightly larvae.   

Gardeners are typically startled by sphinx moth larvae' 4–5-inch length and striking colors. They consume nearly any plant, including tomatoes, depending on species.  

Tomato hornworms, or five-spotted hawk moth caterpillars, devour tomato, tobacco, and potato plants.   

These large caterpillars may cause a lot of harm, therefore gardeners consider them pests. Manually remove tomato hornworms from plants. 

This is a sphinx moth, or hummingbird moth, due to its huge size and tail "horn". This hermit sphinx has a huge black mark on its head.  

The segmented end wiggles when touched. The right "handle" is a sheath protecting the developing proboscis, giving you a sense of the moth's size.  

The larvae of this species eat basil, sage, and other mint leaves throughout southern Canada and the eastern US.  

In the evening, hermit sphinx moths with gray-brown wings and wavy markings hover over flowers.  

On the table behind it, this tersa sphinx moth has emerged from its pupa case. Nectar-eating tersas fly at night.  

Grow Calibrachoa for Baskets, Borders and Butterflies 

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