This is why some people respond better to hypnosis than others. 

Some people are easy to hypnotize, while others are not. Researchers observed the brain activity of a group of volunteers while hypnotizing them to determine why certain people are so readily hypnotized. 

The unpublished study included 75 volunteers who completed a hypnosis susceptibility test. This pre-screening stage identified 40 people who scored exceptionally high or abnormally low, indicating they were very likely or unlikely to respond to hypnosis.

One researcher read a provocative script to induce hypnosis in these 40 volunteers, and the researchers employed electroencephalography (EEG) to record their cerebral activity before and after.

They conclude that hypnotic experiences have a layered neuronal substrate rather than a single neural pattern.One brain activity factor predicted hypnosis susceptibility, despite the many characteristics differentiating strong and poor responders.

Periodic and aperiodic exponents make up EEG readings. Periodic signals oscillate regularly. These brain oscillations arise from non-recurring aperiodic impulses.

These baseline aperiodic signal changes may affect “mental absorption, feelings of relaxation, and preparation for hypnotic responding.” According to the study, these qualities are higher in easily beguiled people and may affect hypnosis applicability.

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