Top 10 Tree Diseases 

It is prevalent in most North American species, although sycamore and flowering dogwood are particular concerns.  


Crabapples get apple scab early in the season. Different crabapple varieties are more resistant.   

Apple scab

Roses like hawthorn and crabapple often get cedar rusts. Like apple scab, some cultivars and species are more susceptible.   

Cedar rust

Austrian and other pines often get diplodia.  The disease starts at the tree base and spreads. After expanding, candles and needles die from infection.  

Diplodia tip blight

Dothistroma needle blight, a fungal disease, prematurely defoliates mature trees and stunts and kills young ones.  

Dothistroma needle blight of pine

Florida and Texas palms suffer from lethal yellowing. Most natural palms are unaffected by it, however Canary Island date palm, coconut palm, and some are.  

Lethal yellow of palm

Systemic fungus oak wilt kills trees. More than 20 oak species in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and New York have the disease.   

Oak Wilt

Some fungal infections that grow superficially on plants produce white mycelia and spores that cause powdery mildew.  

Powdery mildew

Mostly found in the South, photinia leaf spot defoliates red tip photinia, Indian hawthorn, loquat, and several pear varieties.  

Photinia Leaf Spot

Walnuts get thousand canker. It's mostly found in the West, but Tennessee black walnuts were infected last summer.  

Thousand canker disease

6 Tips for Watering Container Gardens 

Also See

Top 10 Tree Disease