Will a Catmint Plant Attract Cats to the Garden? 

Several annual and perennial salvias contain catmint-like blossoms, notes horticulturist Melinda Myers. They smell different, but cats don't like them.  

Growing catmint away from stray cats is another alternative. Growing catmint on a window box or balcony on a two-story home is possible.  

Cat repellents can be homemade or commercial. The aroma used to discourage cats may dominate the catmint smell.  

Strays may avoid plants with plastic scat mats, which feature blunt-tipped plastic protrusions that make walking uncomfortable.  

Quick-growing catmint attracts pollinators and resists heat and deer. With long-lasting purple blossoms and silvery-green or gray leaves, these perennials are appealing.  

The flower spikes love full sun and grow to a height of around two feet. Since many of the most recent hybrid kinds are sterile, they behave well and don't proliferate.  

Dig up, divide, and transplant spring-flowering perennials in late summer, fall-flowerers in early spring, and midseason bloomers for best results, adds Melinda.  

When time permits, experienced gardeners can divide plants. Divide and relocate plants with adequate post-transplant care.  

Keep roots slightly wet by watering frequently. Increase watering intervals as new plantings settle in. After they settle, continue caring for them.  

Don’t Overlook the Lovely Luna Moth 

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