7 Ways to Attract Monarch Butterflies to Your Garden

7 Ways to Attract Monarch Butterflies to Your Garden: Seeing Monarch butterflies flying through a yard is a sight that takes your breath away. As these beautiful animals start their yearly move, making your garden a friendly place for them to live can help keep their numbers healthy.


7 Ways to Attract Monarch Butterflies to Your Garden

You can draw Monarchs and give them the resources they need for their whole lives by using certain plants and methods. Here are seven good ways to make your yard a great place for Monarch butterflies to live.


1. Plant Milkweed

Milkweed is an important part of any yard for monarch butterflies because it is the only plant where their larvae can live.


Monarch butterflies only lay their eggs on milkweed, and the caterpillars get most of their food from it. Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) or Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) are two natural milkweed types that you can choose from.

Make sure they are grown without chemicals. Planting more than one type of milkweed ensures a steady source of food during the growth season.


2. Provide Nectar-Rich Flowers

Along with milkweed, monarch butterflies need flowers that are high in pollen to feed themselves as adults and keep them going while they migrate.

To get all kinds of butterflies, make sure your yard has a wide range of growing plants, especially local species.


Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), and Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii) are all plants that monarch butterflies really like.

By planting flowers close together, you can make resting places and make juice easier for butterflies to get to.


3. Create Sunlit Resting Spots

Monarch butterflies love the sun and do best where it is warm and sunny. In your yard, set aside open, sunny spots where butterflies can relax and warm their wings.

Monarchs love to rest in rocks, logs, or carefully placed seats where they can soak up the sun. Add a small area with wet sand or dirt for puddling to give butterflies the minerals and salts they need to stay healthy.


4. Avoid Chemical Pesticides and Herbicides

Monarch butterflies and other pollinators are in great danger because of chemical poisons and fertilizers.


If you want to get rid of pests and weeds without hurting good bugs, choose organic farming methods.

If you have to, use natural options like neem oil, soaps that kill bugs, or picking them off by hand. By using fewer chemicals, you make the world safer for monarchs to live and grow.


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5. Provide Shelter and Refuge

Monarchs need to be able to hide from bad weather and animals, so your garden needs to have lots of thick growth and safe places for them to hide.


Native trees and bushes can be planted to make natural windbreaks that will protect you from strong winds.

Butterfly houses can be made out of flowering plants with strong roots, like Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium spp.) and Goldenrod (Solidago spp.).


6. Support Monarch Conservation Efforts

Take part in Monarch protection projects to help restore butterfly habitats and keep an eye on their populations.


Join a butterfly club in your area, help out with programs that tag monarch butterflies, or take part in citizen science projects like Monarch Watch.

Sharing information and tools with other people in your community can make your garden have a bigger effect and help achieve larger conservation goals.


7. Educate and Inspire Others

Make people aware of how important it is to protect Monarch butterflies and encourage them to make butterfly-friendly spaces in their own yards.


To get your friends, neighbors, and people in your community to get involved, hold classes, give talks, or post about your growing journey on social media.

By encouraging people to care for the environment, you can give them the tools they need to help Monarchs and other insects.



Not only is it fun to turn your yard into a home for monarch butterflies, it’s also very important for their survival. By doing these seven things, you can make a great place for monarch butterflies to live that gives them the tools they need at every stage of their life.

Every action you take, like growing milkweed and nectar-rich flowers, giving them a place to stay, and backing conservation efforts, helps to keep Monarch numbers alive. Together, we can make sure that people in the future will still be amazed by the sight of these beautiful butterflies flying through our grounds.

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