10 Proven Hummingbird Photography Tips 

Redding, California's Elijah Gildea shoots professionally for Perky-Pet bird feeders and gives tours and photography classes in Costa Rica. Nikon D850 with 200-500 lens.  

After his severe arthritis pushed him into a motorised chair, Bill Friggle felt dejected. Inspiration came from reading about another photographer's struggles.  

Sumter, South Carolina wildlife photographer Michael Bond investigated flower composition and conditions in 2007. Partial disability helps photography. Electric wheelchair paralyses left leg and hand.  

The jewels of the animal realm are hummingbirds, says Arcata resident Leslie Scopes Anderson. “Beautiful flowers enhance hummingbird photography.” The Nikon D4S and NIKKOR 200-400 lens are used by Leslie.  

She frequently waits for hummingbirds to hover before taking a picture to overcome their fast, darting flights. “Shoot, shoot, shoot!” she says. The more frames, the better.  

For easier hummingbird identification, Elijah Gildea suggests learning their noises. Shoot hummingbirds sitting and still for sharp, colourful shots.   

Leslie Scopes Anderson says, "Point your shadow at it," like photographers. “Keep the sun behind you for best color.” She suggests focusing on hummingbird eyes.  

Grow different flowers in your yard to improve backgrounds, advises Mike Bond. “Position yourself to catch a hummingbird on a blossom edge in nature.  

I sit in front of my zinnia garden with my camera, wear my brightest red blouse, and carry a red umbrella to avoid the sun, says Mary Sullivan of Delano, Minnesota.  

How to Attract Hummingbirds: 10 Expert Tips 

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