8 Best Indoor Plants for the Living Room

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Dieffenbachia features beautiful silver-centered variegated leaves. This plant possesses deadly sap that drips from its leaves, so keep it away from dogs and children.  

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This popular houseplant is easy to care for and comes in many varieties. Snake plants usually have green-banded or striped leaves with a yellow or cream border.  

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Snake Plant

Color your environment with a blossoming plant. Orange-flowered bird of paradise. If blooming is your objective, buy a mature plant since most don't bloom until six years old.   

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Bird of Paradise

Kentia palms were the first living room plant, and most Victorian parlors had them in the late 1800s. This slow-growing plant would look great in a corner of your space if cared for.   

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Kentia Palm

A maize plant can give your home a tropical feel. A corner of your home will look great with its lush green leaves and solid trunk. Swallowed, it's somewhat hazardous to pets and humans.  

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Corn Plant

One of those practically unkillable plants. It will live if you forget to water it and put it in a dark corner—perfect for non-gardeners.  

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Cast Iron Plant

Monstera deliciosa, a popular houseplant, looks great and grows quickly if cared for. Trim it back and propagate the cuttings to avoid it taking over. Eaten monstera poisons pets.  

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Monstera Deliciosa

Marble queen pothos is an almost unkillable plant that looks great trailing from a shelf or mantle. Its variegated leaves are attractive and require little care. When eaten, this plant is hazardous to pets.  

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Marble Queen Pothos

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What to Know About the Difference Between Cultivars and Varieties  
