Best Black Tomatoes – Dark And Delicious Varieties To Try

Love tomatoes? Grow black ones. Slicing, heirloom, black cherry, and hybrid tomatoes are popular tomato contest entrants. Everyone's great.  

Taste is subjective, but these black tomatoes are excellent. They're all gorgeous. Dark purple, maroon, or brown, almost black.  

Best-tasting Black Tomato Varieties

Black Sea Man heirloom tomatoes shine. The Russian plant produces medium-sized, dark olive green fruit with a pink bottom.   

Black Heirloom Tomatoes

Tasmanian Chocolate is a hybrid between New Big Dwarf and Paul Robeson and is becoming open-pollinated.  

Black Hybrid Tomatoes

In contrast to black, the Blue Berry tomato produces ½ inch dark purple cherry tomatoes with a great sweet-tart balance.  

Black Cherry Tomatoes

No trouble eating black tomatoes. Their dark hue comes from anthocyanin, an antioxidant, and the same vitamins and minerals as red ones.  

Purple Leafy Greens To Add Color To Your Garden 

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