Grow an Easter Cactus for Festive Springtime Flowers 

Others may bloom around Easter, but they're not Easter cacti. The plant is Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri. It flourishes in milder spring temperatures as “Easter cactus” or “spring cactus.”  

Easter cactus has long-petaled pink, red, orange, white, or purple flowers that bloom at sunrise and sundown. It thrives in bright, indirect light but not full sun.  

This drought-tolerant plant needs loose soil for airy roots. The succulent rarely needs much care. Only water it when the soil is dry; more regularly in spring and summer than fall and winter.  

However, getting your Easter cactus to bloom is more detailed. For blooming in March and May, keep it around 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night.  

Easter cactus resembles Thanksgiving and Christmas cactuses, which is fun. Despite being in different families, they all thrive in cooler climates and have angular, brilliant blooms.  

Reader Elizabeth Ann Mingus sent Birds & Blooms this photo of another Easter-blooming cactus for identification.  

Horticulturalist Melinda Myers writes, “This prickly beauty is a rose pincushion cactus, Mammillaria zeilmanniana.  

As you saw, it blooms prolifically, with pink, red, or white flowers on top. It likes full light and well-draining soil like all cacti.  

This cactus only survives in Zone 10 and warmer conditions. It can be overwintered inside or grown year-round as a houseplant.  

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