How to Grow and Care for Calathea Zebrina

White Scribbled Underline

Zebra plant is named from Calathea zebrina's striped foliage. Zebra plant leaves are bright green with dark green stripes, like the prayer plant.   

Calathea zebrina is native to South America and thrives under huge trees and tropical vegetation, so it is used to filtered, dappled light. Avoid direct sunlight to avoid leaf burn on zebra plants. Outdoors, give it partial sunshine shaded by foliage.   

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Calathea zebrina needed loamy, moist, well-draining soil. Heavy, wet soil can cause soggy roots and root rot, so balance moisture and drainage. However, fast draining soil will not offer enough moisture. For optimal results, blend potting soil, perlite, and peat.   

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Water zebra plants regularly. How soon the soil dries determines watering frequency. Season, climate, and humidity affect this.   

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Zebra plant health depends on humidity. They need humidity above 50%, preferably 60%. Outdoors in tropical climates (USDA growth zones 10–11), this is easy. Adding humidity to indoor calathea zebrina plants may require a humidifier.  

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Temperature and Humidity

Most people don't fertilize zebra plants. This plant might burn with too much fertilizer. During the growing season, fertilize slow-growing or weak plants with a light, well-balanced recipe diluted to quarter strength.  

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How to Grow and Care for Pilea Involucrata  
