The Best Time and Place to Plant Lily Bulbs 

Fall or spring is good, says Old House Gardens horticulture Vanessa Elms. Fall is more forgiving if you can't plant bulbs right away.  

She adds spring-purchased lilies have been housed all winter in a temperature-controlled environment and are anxious to grow.   

We have had success planting fall bulbs in November, however they are more inactive and should be put ASAP.  

If you have clay soil, amend or plant on raised beds, Elms explains. They prefer well-drained, fertile, and humusy soil.   

Make sufficient holes for each lily. Deeply plant bulbs three or four times their height in soil. That deep planting prevents bulb drying.  

Topping with mulch during spring and summer helps shade the lily bulbs’ roots. In cold climates, a winter mulch is helpful to prevent frost damage after waking up too early. 

If your pet frequently samples your foliage, she advises placing them out of reach, even if you bring them inside to decorate your table.  

Plant Bee Balm in Your Pollinator Garden 

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