Top 10 Biggest Blooms for Your Flower Garden 

This 3- to 4-foot purple beauty needs space at the back of a sunny garden bed. One of the greatest purple dahlias is the 1929 Thomas Edison variety.   

Thomas Edison Dinnerplate Dahlia

Strong stems support huge July white flowers. The 12-inch blooms start green, turn white, then return to green later in the season.  

Incrediball Hydrangea

Dramatize your yard with 8- to 10-inch purple globes. Mega flowers with densely packed florets appear in late spring.   

Globemaster Allium

A medium-sized tree at 20–40 feet, this magnolia possesses the largest leaves and blossoms of any North American deciduous species.  

Bigleaf Magnolia

This diva commands attention. Position it in your perennial or container garden to highlight its 6-inch fragrant blossoms.  

Diva’s Choice Daylily

Give giants sunlight and space to flourish. On 15-foot stems, 14-inch flower heads seek the sun. We adore it: Big seeds generate big plants.   

Pikes Peak Sunflower

Sit by this angel's horn every night. One plant perfumes the backyard with its sweetness. Place the shrub in well-drained, sunny soil.  

Double White Angel’s Trumpet

Let this climber climb a bare fence, trellis, or post. In May, June, September, and October, 8-inch purple flowers bloom.   

The President Clemati

It's a little hibiscus at 4 feet tall, but its pink petals shine. Until fall, the 8- to 10-inch blossoms dazzle.   

Summer Storm Hibiscu

Long-lasting, vibrant zinnias brighten your backyard. One package of seeds in full sun produces a rainbow of hues.  

California Giants Zinnia

8 Mosquito-Repelling Plants You Need in Your Backyard ASAP 

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